Travelling by car

Hameln is located approx. 40 km (25 miles) in the southwest of Hannover, the capital city of Lower Saxony, in the northern part of Germany.

You will reach Hameln from the...
  • West (direction from Dortmund / Ruhr area) via the Autobahn A2
  • East (direction from Magdeburg and Berlin) via the Autobahn A2
  • North (direction from Hamburg) via the Autobahn A7
  • South (direction from Kassel and Würzburg) via the Autobahn A7

Autobahn overview map

From the Autobahn to Hameln...
  • Coming from the west please take the exit "Bad Eilsen" and follow the B83 towards "Hameln"

  • Coming from the east take at "Hannover" the Autobahn A7 in direction "Kassel". Then leave the Autobahn at the exit "Hildesheim" and follow the B1 towards "Hameln"

  • Coming from the north take the Autobahn A352 and A2 in the direction "Dortmund". Leave the Autobahn at the exit "Bad Eilsen" and follow the B83 towards "Hameln"

  • Coming from the south take the exit "Northeim-Nord" and follow the B1 to "Elze". There change on the B1 towards "Hameln".

Overview map Hameln

In Hameln...
  • Coming from the west or north in "Hameln" turn left on the B1 in direction to "Hildesheim". In the district "Afferde" turn right into the "Hastenbecker Landstrasse" in direction to "Hastenbeck". After approx. 2 km (1.2 miles) turn left in the street "Freibusch" of the industrial area "Hastenbeck Nord". SOMATEC is located at the end of this street on the left.

  • Coming from east or south turn left in the district "Afferde" in the "Hastenbecker Landstrasse" in direction to "Hastenbeck". After approx. 2 km (1.2 miles) turn left in the street "Freibusch" of the industrial area "Hastenbeck Nord". SOMATEC is located at the end of this street on the left.

City map of Hameln

Route planner
Here you can get your directions to SOMATEC with Google Maps (external link):


Download of the directions

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Directions to SOMATEC by car
PDF (64 KB)

The world of winding